Plum Wine 2


This country wine makes 5 gallons (30 bottles) of plum wine. I have friends with gluts of plums: so I always seem to have enough to do at least a dozen bottles a year.

It produces a nice light coloured wine like a Rose and I find chilling it makes it very palatable.

Sometimes the plums can be quite sweet so you get an almost sherry taste, so on the version I have backed off on the Sugar to make it slightly less sweet and slightly drier.


25lb (10.5 Kg) Plums

10lb (5 Kg) of Sugar

5 Tspn of lemon juice or Citrix acid (available from all good home brew shops)

5 Gallons (27 litres) Water




Wash, chop in half and remove the stones from the plums into a 5 gallon brewing bucket, add some Lemon juice/Citric acid now it helps preserve the colour.

Cover the plums with boiled water.

Leave  for about 4 days, stir daily.

Add the sugar and mix well (until disolved).

Add the rest of the lemon juice.

Add the yeast.

Stir daily.

After a week, syphon into 2 clear demijohns, try and leave the sediment. Top up to a gallon in each. Put the airlocks in again.

You will need to wait a while, it may continue to ferment.

Once the wine has cleared bottle it and keep for at least 6 months to mature.

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