Johns Beer and Wine

Because homemade is more affordable and can taste better than shop bought

  • Making Wine

    Making homemade wine is a great way of both drinking quality wine for a lot less than the local wine shop or supermarket, but also opens up great possibilities.

    The basics of making wine are


    • Juice from the grape
    • Juice from a kit
    • Country wine ingredients (Dandelions, Elderberries, Blackberries, Plums etc.)





    Vineyards have spent hundreds of years perfecting thier wines, tge right soi,, the right grape, water etc. Yet just a few days of more or less sunshine can effect a whole years production .

    Kits will have everything measured out for you while country wines there are a lot of existing recipes; although these are not just hit or miss but also allow you to play, changing the amount of sugar, mixing fruits and other ingredients to invent your own special wine.

    For more on Kit Wines or Country Wines please follow the links.