Welcome to my beer and wine web site.
I am a great drinker of both beer and wine and also make a lot of my own from kits or from scratch.
This web site has information on the history and the brewing of beer and wine and also recipes that will allow you to make your own. I will try and guide you through how to create successful wines and beers; avoiding the perils that I have encountered over the years.
I grew up in the Sussex countryside on a farm and had access to many natural ingredients to make home made wine and when I moved into the town in later years, continued to make these brews. Now many years have passed and I have several broad brush recipes that you can use to create your own.
Should you want to send me your recipes then please do.
In between all of this I hope to give you some titbits about beer and wine.
My thanks to all those who have helped and continue to help me put this site together,